Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dear Spring, please stay!

Josh and I went to my favorite downtown park not too long ago and the flowering trees were in pretty!

The weather has been so beautiful here. Yesterday we went over to my mom and dad's for awhile and their wisteria is GORGEOUS! This was what it looked like two weeks ago when we were there for Easter...

and this is what it looks like now...

Isn't it amazing?! It smelled sooooooo wonderful, too. I am loving the green leaves everywhere and love hearing the birds chirping. I am ITCHING to buy flowers for our yard! I think some hydrangea bushes would look lovely in front of our house. Maybe if I can talk my husband into it? :o)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Long Easter weekend...

Josh and I had a long weekend over Easter and it was GREAT! We started it off by going to a place here in town we had never been to before called Aunt Martha's Pancake House. It's been here since 1959!

I should have taken a picture of the huge pancakes on my plate...mmmm! Then we went to a couple flea markets where I found these pretty coasters:

and this sweet old book!

Oh my goodness, I just love it. It's a book of poems for children that was published in 1937. And it has these cute little illustrations in it, too!

We spent the rest of our weekend with my family celebrating Easter. It was fun and the weather was gorgeous! I made these cute carrot cupcakes for everyone:

Spring has officially arrived...I am enjoying the flowers and the green coming out everywhere! Hope you're having a good week! I'm going to go have a leftover cupcake. :o)